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2 Samuel-Concordia Commentary

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Building off his monumental commentary on 1 Samuel, Steinmann continues his work on this single Hebrew book with Concordia Commentary: 2 Samuel.

Building off his monumental commentary on 1 Samuel, Andrew Steinmann continues his work on this single Hebrew book with Concordia Commentary: 2 Samuel.

The Book of 2 Samuel begins with David being made King of Judah and then walks through his reign—including his defeat of the Philistines, his sins of adultery and murder, and the threats against his life.

Throughout the narrative of David’s life, the promise of the Son of David is proclaimed again and again. We are given a Christological type that foreshadows the life, ministry, and eternal reign of the crucified and risen Jesus, the lowly shepherd from Bethlehem who was anointed to be king of Israel. Even David’s notorious sins serve to demonstrate the forgiveness God freely bestows on us through David's Son and Lord.

  • Contains the author’s original translation of 2 Samuel, a verse-by-verse analysis of the Hebrew text, and a theological exposition of its message, both in its original setting in ancient Israel and for the church today
  • Provides extensive background information about the history, chronology, geography, archaeology, and culture that is needed to understand this biblical book
  • Features the best textual readings, discerned by comparing the Hebrew Masoretic Text to other ancient versions, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Greek Septuagint, and Josephus


“Andrew Steinmann’s volume on 2 Samuel is a welcome addition to the outstanding Concordia Commentary series. As in his work on 1 Samuel, we find meticulous interaction with the Hebrew text, skillful exegesis, and mature theological insights, all undergirded by the belief that inspired Scripture is authoritative for faith, life, and practice.”
—Robert B. Chisholm, Jr., Chair and Senior Professor of Old Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

“With its multiple textual, exegetical, historical, and literary problems, the book of 2 Samuel gives any would-be commentator a lot of work to do. As this volume makes clear, Dr. Steinmann has carefully done that work and presents the results here in a clear and accessible way. Unlike many other scholars and commentators, however, Dr. Steinmann is also up front about his faith commitments as a Lutheran Christian and unapologetic about mining 2 Samuel for its theological insights and its connections with the wider biblical narrative of both Testaments.”
—Prof. Christopher Begg, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

“What an accomplishment! Andrew Steinmann’s work on 2 Samuel is impressive in every sense. Brimming with relevant information, Steinmann’s work reveals the careful scholarship, sound exegesis, and theological sensibility that have come to characterize his writings. Scholars will appreciate his translation of the text, detailed textual notes, and a truly august bibliography. However, there is much here for the engaged pastor or student as well. Anyone seeking an aid in understanding the meaning and message of 2 Samuel will find Steinmann to be a sure and faithful guide.”
—William R. Osborne, Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, College of the Ozarks, Branson, Missouri

About the series

The Concordia Commentary Series: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture is written to enable pastors and teachers of the Word to proclaim the Gospel with greater insight, clarity, and faithfulness to the divine intent of the Biblical text.

The series will cover all the canonical books of the Old and New Testament, with an original translation and meticulous grammatical analysis of the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek of each text. The foremost interpretive lens centers on the unified proclamation of the person and work of Christ across every Scriptural book.

The Commentary fully affirms the divine inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture; Each passage bears witness to the confession that God has reconciled the world to Himself through the incarnation, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ His Son.

Authors expose the rich treasury of language, imagery, and thematic content of the Scripture, while supplementing their work with additional research in archaeology, history, and extrabiblical literature. Throughout, God’s Word emanates from authors careful attention and inculcates the ongoing life of the Church in Word, Sacrament, and daily confession.

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More Information
ISBN-13 9780758650061
Books of Bible 2 Samuel
Section of Bible Old Testament, Historical Books
Biblical People Samuel
Authors Andrew E Steinmann
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