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Minute Messages: Gospel-Filled Devotions for Every Occasion

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Keep the perfect devotional that keeps up with your busy life right at your side with Minute Messages. Packed with meaningful, one-page devotions by Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard, you'll find something for any moment of your life.


Got a minute?

I'm sure you can find at least one or two in your day. What about your lunch break? Waiting to pick up the kids from school? During pesky commercial breaks?

The truth is, we all have at least a minute or two during the day to spend with our Savior. But, as Christians in the modern age, it's also true that a minute or two might be all you have while trying to keep up with your vocational obligations. Keep the perfect devotional that keeps up with your busy life right at your side with Minute Messages.

Packed with meaningful, one-page devotions by Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard, you'll find something for any moment of your life. Devotions are organized by the Church Year, The Small Catechism, and Special Circumstances in the Christian Life. Minute Messages will become your most loved devotional for years to come, traveling with you through every moment of your busy life. 

About the Author

Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard is the pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Minot, North Dakota. He is married to Serenity, and they have three children. He enjoys fishing, pheasant hunting, carpentry, watching movies, spending time with his family, and reading a good book with a rye whiskey.

What Others Are Saying

Two hundred words for a devotion doesn’t leave much wiggle room. There’s no space for any of the filler that populates so much of what’s marketed to Christians. There’s only Jesus. Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard gets right to the point, rightly dividing Law and Gospel, leaving us with the truth of God’s Word and the comfort of His promises. For all of the places we find ourselves overwhelmed by a lack of time and an abundance of sin, these brief but incredibly pastoral devotions are a gift to the Church. 

—Rev. Harrison Goodman, pastor and content executive, Higher Things

These Minute Messages take a nugget that is present in the text and make it a most valuable diamond for the day. They are like a sermon, although summed up in a few words: straightforward to the point we may be in our lives today with the Law and Gospel of God’s Word, along with a teaching to fill the day with the joy of eternity through Christ without a story or joke. 

—Rev. Arie D. Bertsch, president, North Dakota District, LCMS

More Information
ISBN-13 9780758666970
Authors Matthew Richard
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