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Promised Treasures: Daily Devotions

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Forty-seven daily devotions lead you each week through experiencing Lent with all our senses.

Forty-seven days of devotions from Ash Wednesday (February 22) to Easter Sunday (April 9) are focused around biblical elements we can concretely see, smell, touch, and taste. These daily devotions complement the whole lenten theme “Promised Treasures”


About the Theme

Life as exiles in the wilderness of this world is not easy or pain-free. We wait and yearn for our real home, the new promised land of heaven. In order to wait well, Jesus mentions that a good teacher not only brings out new treasures but reminds people of old and rich treasures as well (Matthew 13:52).

This Lenten season, embrace God’s amazing love for us, His baptized children, in new ways. Each week of Lent, journey to concretely see, smell, touch, and taste several biblical elements. 

Begin with ashes, then salt, water, light, bread, and finally, palms. During Holy Week, water and blood, wood, fragrant oil are featured. On Easter, do not miss out on the sweetness of God’s milk and honey. All these beautiful Old and New Testament elements will remind you of God’s eternal love in Christ, fill you with renewed hope, and increase your joy, knowing that because we are His baptized children, God is near to us now more than ever.


About the Author

Rev. Dr. Timothy Puls is the Director of Alumni and Church Relations at Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) in Fort Wayne, IN. Prior to working for CTSFW he was a pastor of two congregations in Colorado. He completed his doctorate in organizational leadership (Ed.D.) through Indiana Wesleyan University in 2011. 

More Information
ISBN-13 9780758669841
Church Year Seasons Lent
Authors Timothy R. Puls
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