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John 7:2-12:50 – Concordia Commentary

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Weinrich explores essential imagery, significant narrative devices, and historical interpretation in his second volume in the Concordia Commentary series on the Gospel of John.
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In This Volume

This second commentary volume on the Gospel of John continues in John 7 with verse two reading as a heading for the new section. The four chapters of John 7–10 present the central narrative of Jesus’ public ministry in Jerusalem, characterized throughout by his presence in or near the temple. John 11 and John 12 serve as the “last section” of the account of Jesus’ public ministry. It contains the “final sign” and three scenes which mark “the close” of Jesus’ public work. Weinrich explores essential imagery, significant narrative devices, and historical interpretation of the Book of Signs.

Featuring Excursuses on:

  • John 7:37-39: Punctuation and Meaning
  • Does John 9 Refer to Baptism?
  • Early Christian Interpretations of John 10:30 
  • John of Damascus on the Two Wills of Christ
  • and many more.

About the Author

William C. Weinrich is professor of early church and patristic studies at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., where he has taught since 1975. During his tenure at the seminary, he has served as supervisor of the STM program (1986–1989), dean of the graduate school (1989–1995), and academic dean (1995–2006). He also served the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia as rector of its theological school, the Luther Academy, in Riga, Latvia (2007–2010). He served The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as third vice-president (1998–2001) and as fifth vice-president (2001–2004). He retired at the rank of lieutenant colonel from the Indiana Air National Guard after serving as chaplain (1978–2004).



In this masterly commentary, Weinrich astonishes the reader by the range and depth of his scholarship. It reaches back to the whole Old Testament as God’s prophetic Word, across the New Testament in its testimony to the crucified Lord Jesus, and forward to doctrinal reception of John’s Gospel by the church. Its breadth is matched by the depth of its careful literary analysis, balanced theological reflection, and winsome liturgical sensitivity.

—Dr. John W. Kleinig, Emeritus Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Australian Lutheran College, the University of Divinity, Adelaide, South Australia

This commentary brought me many discoveries about the pericopes that I have been preaching on for forty years. I found deep textual research, rich historical and cultural background information, extensive references to ancient and modern commentators, and Dr. Weinrich’s valuable exegetical insights. He is an experienced preacher himself, so the commentary is also practical and fascinating to read.

—The Most Reverend Jānis Vanags, Archbishop of Riga, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia

Weinrich’s ability to extract detailed exegetical insights from all epochs of church history, including the most important contemporary voices, and merge them into an intriguing overall view of John’s theology is outstanding. Thus, he equips exegetical scholars and parochial preachers as well as educated laypersons with an excellent and reliable resource. Anyone who reads this commentary will get acquainted with Christ’s person, proclamation, and saving work in a most beneficial and strengthening way.

—Dr. Armin Wenz, Professor for Biblical Theology and New Testament Studies at Lutherische Theologische Hochschule, Oberursel, Germany

The second tome of Weinrich’s multivolume effort is much like the first: outstanding. An exemplary career of leadership and teaching combine again with a lifetime of scholarly reflection to produce a tremendous accomplishment. Weinrich’s masterful attention both to the subtle nuances of the Greek and to the theological breadth and depth of the most “spiritual” of the Gospels, together with his uncommon grasp of the history of the Gospel’s ecclesial reception, makes for a result that is like no other and a delight to absorb. Highly recommended.

—Dr. Bruce G. Schuchard, Chairman of the Department of Exegetical Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis


About the series

The Concordia Commentary Series: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture is written to enable pastors and teachers of the Word to proclaim the Gospel with greater insight, clarity, and faithfulness to the divine intent of the Biblical text.

The series will cover all the canonical books of the Old and New Testament, with an original translation and meticulous grammatical analysis of the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek of each text. The foremost interpretive lens centers on the unified proclamation of the person and work of Christ across every Scriptural book.

The Commentary fully affirms the divine inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture; Each passage bears witness to the confession that God has reconciled the world to Himself through the incarnation, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ His Son.

Authors expose the rich treasury of language, imagery, and thematic content of the Scripture, while supplementing their work with additional research in archaeology, history, and extrabiblical literature. Throughout, God’s Word emanates from authors careful attention and inculcates the ongoing life of the Church in Word, Sacrament, and daily confession.

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More Information
ISBN-13 9780758648167
Books of Bible John
Section of Bible New Testament, Gospels
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