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Fear, Love, and Trust: Following God's Commandments - Enhanced Director CD-ROM
The Director CD-ROM has all of the leader essentials for Fear, Love and Trust: Following God's Commandments.
The Director CD-ROM has all of the leader essentials for Fear, Love and Trust: Following God's Commandments. The CD contains:
- Director guide
- Level A and B activities
- Bible memory words
- Bulletin notes
- Closing program and closing program slides
- Mission project
- Nine recorded songs and lyrics
- Opening devotions
- Clip art
- Craft ideas
- Decorating ideas
- Snack ideas
About Fear, Love and Trust: Following God's Commandments
Why doesn’t God want me to have other gods? Don’t all roads lead to heaven? Does God really expect me to keep all His commandments perfectly without one slip? As long as I do my best, I’ll get into heaven, right?
Children discover answers to questions like these in Fear, Love & Trust: Following God’s Commandments, a new topical Summer Sunday School. Thirteen Old and New Testament Bible Stories intertwine a castle theme to help children learn about God’s rules for holy living and loving in the Ten Commandments.
Stories include:
- God Gives the Law
- The Golden Calf
- David & Goliath
- Solomon Builds & Dedicates the Temple
- Joseph Cares for Jacob
- Abraham Rescues Lot
- Isaac & Rebekah
- Achan's Sin
- David & Jonathan
- Ahab Covets Naboth's Vineyard
- Paul & Philemon
- The Rich Young Ruler
- Peter's Reinstatement
Check out the whole library of topical Sunday School programs here.
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By Grace Im Saved
Come and Glorify the Name
Father Hear My Prayer
Gods Word for Everyone
I Am Trusting Thee
Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus
Lord Take My Hand
Love Love Love
The Gospel Shows the Fathers Grace
The Law of God Is Good and Wise
These Are the Holy Ten Commands
We Love Because He First Loved Us
ISBN-13 | 9780758658005 |
Authors | Concordia Publishing House |
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