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God’s Living Water: Covered in Jesus’ Grace Preaching and Worship - Digital Edition

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God's Living Water: Covered in Jesus' Grace Preaching and Worship - Digital Edition is a multipurpose ministry program that focuses on the theme of the Living Water, Jesus, in seven lessons.

God's Living Water: Covered in Jesus' Grace Preaching and Worship - Digital Edition is a comprehensive and multipurpose ministry program that focuses on the theme of the Living Water, Jesus Christ, and how God used water in the Bible to serve His purposes for good and His glory.

The downloadable Preaching and Worship materials include seven sermons, children's messages, bulletin blurbs, newsletter announcements, adult bible studies, and videos on the program's seven lessons. 

God's Living Water is designed for congregations to use as a VBS program, Sunday School program, or sermon series. It has multiple components including devotional material for adults, a devotional book for youth, and an illustrated children's book, all meant to engage members of all ages.

The seven lessons in God's Living Water include:

  • God Creates All Creatures-Genesis 1; 2:10-14
  • Water from the Rock-Exodus 17:1-7
  • Naaman Is Healed-2 Kings 5:1-19
  • Jesus at the Well- John 4:1-30
  • Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet-John 13:1-20
  • Thousands Believe in Jesus-Acts 2:1-41
  • Lydia Hears God's Word-Acts 16:11-15, 40
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