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How to Respond to Judaism - 3rd edition

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Read what the Bible says about the Jewish people and learn how you can respond to this historic faith. 

The daily news makes us conscious of Jewish organizations, a Jewish state, the Jewish vote, and anti-Semitic acts against Jews….How do we respond?  Our commission from the Lord is to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-20), to be His witnesses “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Over the centuries, the Christian Church has responded to Judaism in various ways including anti-Semitism, peaceful coexistence, and evangelism.  With this book, you will see what the Bible says about the Jewish people and learn how you can respond to this historic faith.

Be informed and respond.

Topics include:
  • what Judaism is and what it teaches
  • the three branches of Judaism
  • how we can counter anti-Semitism
  • how Judaism compares to Christianity

Most important, you’ll get valuable advice for clearly and sensitively sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Jewish people.

This insightful series equips Christians with detailed information on contemporary non-Christian religious movements.  Each book compares the teachings of these movements with Scripture and shows how to respond with the Gospel. 

To see the rest of the books in this series click here.
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ISBN-13 9780758616289
Track Apologetics
Authors Erwin J. Kolb
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