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Mary J. Moerbe

Mary J. Moerbe

Mary Jackquelyn Moerbe is a free-lance writer and rostered deaconess—a mercy worker in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod—under the Cranach Institute.  She loves theology, words, food, and directing her small church choir. An active writer, Mary has contributed numerous articles and devotions for a variety of publications, including Portals of Prayer, The Lutheran Witness, Mercy Works. Through her blog, "Meet, Write, and Salutary," Mary encourages other Lutherans to share their faith through writing. Mary holds a bachelor degree in Letters, a form of classical liberal arts, and another in music. She also has a Master of Arts degree in theology with deaconess certification from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mary lives in Oklahoma with her husband, Rev. Ned A. Moerbe, and their six children.

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