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Abjar Bahkou

Abjar Bahkou

Rev. Dr. Abjar Bahkou has been an associate professor of practical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, since 2018. He was a senior lecturer of Arabic language and culture at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and a nonresident research fellow at the Institute for Studies of Religion, a program on global studies of religion at Baylor University. He holds two doctorates: one in Arabic and Islamic studies, and another in catechesis and youth ministry. His publications include, Defending Christian Faith: The Fifth Part of the Christian Apology of Geraniums, DeGruter Open, 2014, and The Monk Encounters the Prophet: The Story of the Encounter between Monk Bahīra and Muhammad, Edwin Mellen Press. Bahkou is an ordained pastor in the LCMS, originally from Damascus, Syria.


Understanding and Engaging Muslims | Dr. Abjar Bahkou
Witnessing in a loving way to the Muslim community can seem overwhelming. I

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