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Tesoros Bíblicos: Juan el Bautista (Bible Treasures: John the Baptist)
Each of the 18 books in the Bible Treasures series features simple and important Bible stories retold for little children.
Cada uno de los 18 libros en la serie Tesoros Bíblicos presenta importantes historias bíblicas redactadas en forma simple para niños. Agréguelos a todos a su biblioteca con este conveniente set. Las atractivas ilustraciones mejorará el entendimiento de su hijo respecto de la historia, y le ayudará a visualizar el mensaje eterno de la Biblia. En la última página de cada historia, hay una breve nota a los padres que explica cómo la historia apunta a Jesús y a su amor por toda la humanidad. Disponible sólo en español.
Each of the 18 books in the Bible Treasures series features simple and important Bible stories retold for little children. Add them all to your library with this convenient set! The eye-catching illustrations enhance your child’s understanding of the story, helping him or her visualize the Bible’s eternal messages. On the last page of each story, there is a brief note to parents that explains how the story points to Jesus and His love for all mankind. Only available in Spanish.
Each of the 18 books in the Bible Treasures series features simple and important Bible stories retold for little children. Add them all to your library with this convenient set! The eye-catching illustrations enhance your child’s understanding of the story, helping him or her visualize the Bible’s eternal messages. On the last page of each story, there is a brief note to parents that explains how the story points to Jesus and His love for all mankind. Only available in Spanish.
ISBN-13 | 9780758626295 |
Authors | Mercedes Cecilia Fau Fernandez |
Illustrators | Dennis Jones |
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